Allow me to introduce myself...

          Paul Schoomaker

As a resident of Nebraska since 1978, I call Omaha "home".  This is where we set our roots and raised our family.

In 2011, I made major changes in my life with the intent of helping people in a more direct fashion, without the constraints of a large employer.  I began downsizing my private practiice to parttime, and created another small business to provide more flexibility.  Finally, I can feel free, knowing my only "boss" is God.  I work for Him as His Master's Servant (the inspiration for "HMS Omaha").

As a 2009 graduate of the Education for Lay Ministry (ELM) program, offered through Cotner College in Lincoln, I was in the fifth cohort referred to as ELM 5.  My objective after ELM was to begin serving area churches with pulpit supply.   After rearranging my priorities in 2011, I am now able to help wherever God directs me.

Because God has blessed me with other sources of income, I have designated 100% of all honoraria received from my pulpit supply efforts to be returned to the Omaha area charities, non-profits, and churches I support regularly.  

If I can help your church by filling in the pulpit during a pastor's absence, or during a time of transition, please contact me.  I would enjoy being of service to your church.

If you would like to learn more about what brings me to this point in life, please click on "My Journey" on the site navigation.

Blessings...  Paul